HR Q&A (09/03/24)

HR Q&A (09/03/24)

In this blog, only questions are posted. If any members with advisory contracts have similar questions, please feel free to contact the following email address:

Date Category State Topic Tier
8/28/24 Remote Work CA Remote Work Bronze
8/28/24 Termination NJ Termination Letter and Documents Silver
8/28/24 Job Description CA Promotion Letter and Job Description for Exempt Silver
8/30/24 Termination CA How long can emoloyer have furlough employees? Bronze
8/30/24 Number of Employees Federal & CA Employment Laws by Employer Size chart Bronze
8/31/24 Title CA The English titles equivalent to the organizational titles in Japan. Silver
9/3/24 HR Record CA Personnel Records: What to Create and Keep, What to Toss and When Project

