

Table of Contents

1.03/31/22 HR Weekly News (全米各州のHR関連ニュース) English +日本語タイトル   2


<Federal> 2


■EEOC raises fine for notice-posting violations to $659   3

Employers must place notices where workers will see them — often at a physical location, online or both, according to the agency.  3

▼EEOCポスターの違反罰金について         3


【Exempt】Exempt      3

■Third Circuit Finds Deductions From Exempt Employees’ PTO Do Not Impact Exempt Status Under the FLSA        3

March 28, 2023  3

▼PTOを差し引いてもExemptのMinimum Salary以上が支払われていれば問題ない。       3


【VISA】ビザ       4

■Alternatives to H-1B Visa: What to Think About   4

▼H1-B Visaの代替について考える。        4


【Support Animals】サポートアニマル     4

■Emotional Support Animals as Workplace Accommodations   4

▼セラピーアニマルの職場での合理的便宜について       4


【Workplace】職場       4

■Rude co-workers? 1 in 4 people report workplace incivility     4

The pandemic has made people ruder, data says. Researchers suggest this can lead to decreased productivity overall and turnover.         4

▼職場で同僚から失礼な態度を受けていますか? 4


<California>       5

【Fair Workweek】スケジュール事前告知 5

■What Retailers Should Know About California Scheduling Ordinances       5

▼小売り業が知っておくべきスケジュール事前告知について   5


【Wage】賃金     5

■Complying with Wage and Hour Obligations in the Face of Crisis     5

▼経営破綻と賃金支払遵守について   5


【Meal Period】食事休憩        5

■More California Meal Period Guidance (podcast)    5

▼永遠の課題、カリフォルニア州食事休憩について(ポドキャスト)         5


【New Laws】新しい法律       6

■Four 2023 Bills That Would Negatively Affect California Employers 6

▼カリフォルニア州の新しい法律の動き     6


<Michigan>        6

【Right to work】労働組合の強制加入が可能に   6

■Michigan Repeals Right-to-Work Law  6

▼ミシガン州の労働組合強制加入について  6

2.【質問です】ハイブリッドの職場環境にどのように対応すべきか?       6

3.■Redesigning How We Work   10

Redesigning How We Work   10


4.■ 今回の動画1 今回の著者Lynda Gratton 仕事の再設計について    11

+■今回の動画2 今回の著者 Lynda Gratton 日本のライフシフト(English) 11


5.Short Video ■Redesigning Work with Lynda Gratton (English)+ ■Lynda Gratton’s Vision of Happiness – Life Shift Japan (English) 11


6.PLAN AHEAD(HR予定カレンダー)(English+日本語タイトル)締め切り見逃し防止!         12


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